Edmonton-Metro LUE Edmonton-Metro LUE

Paramedics’ Place in HSAA - The Union of Healthcare Professionals

What is a Union?

Let’s start with the basics to get everyone on the same page. What is a Union? The simplest definition is that a Union is an organization of workers who join together to maintain or improve the conditions of their employment. I want to emphasize that a Union is comprised of workers. Never think of a Union as a 3rd party that is separate from the workers. Unionized labour relations are not a triangle between the employer, the workers, and the Union. It’s still just the employer and the workers, however the workers band together as a Union to fight for themselves. Some people may suggest that a Union is a business and Union dues are “membership fees” paid by workers to receive a service. This is not so. Our Union, HSAA, is comprised of over 30,000 healthcare workers. Without those 30,000 workers, there is no HSAA. The workers are HSAA. We are HSAA. It stands to reason that any of our complaints about HSAA are a call to action for us to change how HSAA operates.

Unions are important because they are the only way workers can have power. As individual healthcare workers, we do not have any power. The power of workers comes from large numbers. A great analogy is breaking pencils. One pencil is easy to break, but a large handful of pencils is much harder. A Union turns powerless individuals into a powerful group. Power is an important concept for us to think about. Everything a Union does is about power. Either gaining it or exercising it.

The Organizational Chart of HSAA

I love using this chart to reinforce the idea that workers are one and the same with our Union. You will notice that the members of HSAA are at the top of the organizational chart. A Union is one of the only organizations in the world where the rank-and-file members are at the top. This is because the members comprise the Union, so of course they are the highest-ranking authority. Members democratically elect representatives and decide what matters the Union will focus on. If members want a Union to change, they can accomplish it through the established democratic processes of the Union. A Union is ultimately only as strong as it’s members.

Where Do Paramedics Fit in with HSAA?

I think it’s important to recognize that as paramedics, we are healthcare professionals as well as first responders. Political changes to healthcare administration and policy greatly effect our jobs and livelihoods. We are also employed by a large healthcare authority. Therefore, it makes sense for us to join forces with other healthcare workers to form a Union. We are lucky that our profession has great representation amongst the Executive of HSAA. Our president, Mike Parker, is an Edmonton paramedic. Two Edmonton District Board members are Edmonton paramedics. One Central District Board Member is a paramedic. One Calgary District Board Member is a paramedic. Our AHS bargaining committee has two paramedics on it, including one from Edmonton. Everywhere you look within HSAA, there are paramedics present and fighting for us. But how many paramedics are in HSAA?

In March of 2024, the top 5 largest professions in HSAA were[1]:

1. Laboratory Assistant 3,401

2. Primary Care Paramedic 2,093

3. Laboratory Technologist 2,064

4. Respiratory Therapist 1,482

5. Advanced Care Paramedic 1,481

You can see from these numbers that the combined total of Lab Assistants and Technologists outnumber the total of PCPs and ACPs. Furthermore, these numbers show that out of approximately 30,000 members, paramedics make up about 12% of the HSAA membership. I demonstrate these numbers to further establish the idea that being a part of HSAA gives paramedics more power than if we were in our own Union. The power of workers comes from large numbers. Our power is greater when we are part of a group of 30,000 as opposed to 3,500. As it stands, our profession has a disproportionate amount of representation in the Executive of HSAA, which gives us a large and powerful voice within our Union despite only making up 12% of the membership.

I strongly believe that we need to abandon any thoughts of leaving HSAA. Notwithstanding the logistical and legal hurdles that would entail, we are still better off focusing on changing HSAA from the inside to address our Union’s shortcomings.

[1] HSAA 2024 Annual Report

Q. Why is it stronger for us to be in a union with other healthcare fields with little to no overlap with our own, and whose goals in a negotiation may even contradict our own?

A: I really want to have these discussions. I believe that it all comes back to power. The power of workers comes from large numbers. Our ability to pool resources with other healthcare professions gives us a stronger voice to combat powerful institutions like provincial governments and AHS. Interestingly, we can draw a case study from here in Alberta of what happens when a small group of healthcare workers leaves a strong union to start their own. Nurse practitioners have started their own union that is separate from UNA. Most people have never heard of the nurse practitioner union because they are small and lack power to accomplish anything.

I’m worried that paramedics would face a similar fate if we left HSAA to form our own union. For starters, we would have way less money collected from union dues. This would make it difficult to hire staff to run the day to day operations that come with a union. We would have less money to help us with bargaining and fighting legal battles that inevitably arise. We would be easier for politicians and AHS to ignore. Because it’s easier to ignore a small group than a big group. Any actions that we took to mobilize would not be as powerful. Think about the difference between 30000 people simultaneously participating in a mass action as opposed to 3500.

Additionally, I would argue that other healthcare fields are aligned with paramedics on almost every front. We all want a strong public healthcare system, we want fair compensation for our labour, we want safe working environments, we want to be able to retire one day, and ultimately we want to be treated with respect and dignity. Everything we fight for as a union is some variation of these aligned principles. Furthermore, I acknowledge that we are unique as paramedics and we face many challenges other members of our union don’t face. But I would suggest that we are not uniquely unique. Every profession and worksite has specific challenges that only apply to them. I believe that it is the job of those individual professions and local units to organize together to address those issues themselves as opposed to relying on “the union” to save them. When I think of challenges like violence against paramedics, end of shift OT and bio breaks being denied. The solution isn’t to find a different union that will fight those battles for us. The solution is for us to realize that we are the union and we need to come together and fight those battles ourselves. It’s not other healthcare professions that hold us back, it’s our own inability to organize as a collective unit and fight for ourselves.

I will also point out that we are very well supported by other healthcare professions in our union. If you take the time to talk to our fellow union members, everyone wants to see paramedics get treated better. It’s a well known issue that our pay is below professions with similar education and scope. And no one I’ve ever met in HSAA advocates for that. It’s our employer that repeatedly refuses to address it. Moreover, at convention in May 2024, there was a resolution proposed to have HSAA try to get a supplemental pension for EMS due to our shorter average career length. Our EMS delegates were worried that no one would vote for it because it was too EMS specific. Much to our surprise, several non EMS members spoke in favour of the resolution and it passed with almost 100% voting in favour. Another great example of the support we receive from our fellow union members.

I want paramedics to start driving change from within HSAA. Just because we don’t have our own union doesn’t mean we can’t use the resources of HSAA to fight for ourselves. A union is only as strong as its members. So the solution is never to start a new union, the solution is to strengthen our current union by organizing at the rank and file level to maximize power.

Q: Don’t we need to have our own union to have our unique needs addressed?

A: I would argue those specific things in the contract in the EMS index are a great example of how we can still address our unique needs while belonging to a larger collective bargaining unit. We don’t need to have our own union to have our unique needs addressed.

A lot of the changes that we want to see for paramedics have failed to materialize because AHS refuses to accept them. However, we often mistakenly blame our allied healthcare professions in HSAA for “holding us back”. When in reality they would be glad to see us get what we deserve.

I’m suggesting that if all we do is leave HSAA and change the name of our union that AHS will continue to refuse to listen to our paramedic specific demands (because they ultimately don’t give a damn about us). A better solution is to use our collective power to start applying pressure to AHS to give us what we want.

I’d love for us to come together as a profession and start a campaign showing the public how rampant violence is against paramedics and why we deserve hazard pay. If we have a good enough plan, we could even ask the board of directors for funding to help us fight this battle. And we could use the communications resources of HSAA to spread our message. We could start religiously filling out msns for everything and drawing attention to how much time paramedics miss due to workplace injury. But these efforts require maximum participation and effort from us. We can’t keep shopping for different unions that will fight these battles for us. We will always be disappointed.

Belonging to a large and established union amplifies our voice. It doesn’t weaken it. We can join together with other professions to fight for common goals while also maintaining autonomy to fight our own specific battles.

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Edmonton-Metro LUE Edmonton-Metro LUE

UCP MLAs Deaf to HSAA insights on Recovery, Additions, and Mental health at October HSAA Lobby Day

At the start of this week on the 29th, the chair of our Edmonton Metro EMS Local, Micheal Lockerby, had the opportunity to attend a Lobby Day at the Alberta Legislature building.

The purpose of this Lobby Day was to educate and talk about Recovery, Addictions and Mental Health with MLAs. Come the morning of the 29th, all UCP MLAs had cancelled their meetings with HSAA front line staff.

NDP MLAs still agreed to meet, and as a group, the HSAA members present were able to come forward with their concerns. Lockerby reports he was able to relay a story or 2 from the EMS perspective, patient and practitioner relevant. Naturally, all the NDP MLAs he talked to were caught off guard by what Lockerby had to share.

In the afternoon during Question Period, a NDP MLA asked the UCP MLAs if they would reconsider meeting with HSAA members - some of of the HSAA members present had travelled from Lethbridge and La Crete (far and wide). The UCP MLAs would NOT meet with any HSAA members.

The UCP MLAs claimed that they could not have any conversations HSAA members as HSAA is in Bargaining. The discussions that day were about the new Recovery, Addictions and Mental Health model, not about bargaining. Its seems the earplugs they donned on June 19th of 2019, so they didn't have to listen to the concerns of working Albertans, are still strongly in place.

Global News : alberta-legislature-bill-9-debate-earplugs

The NDP MLAs once again tried to get even a hallway chat with UCP and HSAA members.

The UCP MLAs again declined to meet with our members.

If you have a MLA that falls under “does not want to talk about it” we implore you to reach out to that MLA as a constituent. Ask some questions, try to start a conversation. Try to inform them of our mental health issues and challenges - EMS and system wide.

Thanks for your time everyone. Play safe out there!

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Edmonton-Metro LUE Edmonton-Metro LUE

Bargaining Update 14 / Rally For Respect


All HSAA Members employed by Alberta Health Services (AHS)


AHS Bargaining Committee


AHS Bargaining Update #14: Employer refuses to negotiate on wages


Your Bargaining Committee met on October 10 with the intention to bargain our full monetary proposals with AHS. These dates were our opportunity to fight for financial justice on your behalf. 

When we got to the table on the morning of October 10, the employer refused to budge on their mandate or respond to any of our monetary proposals. This approach demonstrates contempt and disrespect to all of us as members. It is also an affront to the bargaining process and the entire HSAA membership. Your committee has remained focused on progressing through bargaining to achieve our mandate provided to us by our membership. The employer's refusal to negotiate monetary proposals has resulted in a breakdown of negotiations, and it was decided that there was no point in continuing to meet on October 11.

Your Bargaining Committee feels that we have reached a point in negotiations where the time is right to share with you the insulting and unfair monetary proposal they refuse to move off.

The employer's opening proposal is an increase of 7.5% over four years (2%, 2%, 1.75% and 1.75%). This proposal is even more offensive as the employer seeks to punish 21% (4466) of our members by proposing only paying lump sum payments based on the proposed percentages rather than applying them to the base wage rate, effectively freezing wages. The employer believes these classifications to be “over market” based on their interpretation of an Ontario West comparison of union wages. 

  • Heath Information Management Professionals

  • Social Workers

  • Speech Language Pathologists

  • Respiratory Therapists

  • Pharmacy Technicians

Throughout our negotiations, the employer has brought nothing to the bargaining table to improve EMS pay disparity or working conditions.

Your committee rejects the employer’s attempt to divide our membership and not live up to their obligation to provide all HSAA members with wage increases that exceed the high cost of living pressures and show that they care for the financial well-being of health-care workers. We had the intention to make every reasonable effort to enter into a collective agreement and bargain collectively in good faith but due to the employer’s lack of willingness to bargain, we have not deviated from our opening proposals of 25% in year one and 10% in year two.

We will now move forward with informal mediation - stay tuned for more information. Our committee is feeling very frustrated. We have put in countless hours preparing and advocating for you. Our demands are what we deserve. 

We’ve done all we can and exhausted every avenue through this phase of bargaining - now it’s time to come together in a united voice and collective action. 

We have a few requests for HSAA members to support our efforts to reach a fair agreement.

Please join us and thousands of other public sector union members for the Rally for Respect on October 24 in Edmonton. We are coming together to speak to the government and Albertans in one collective voice to say it is time to show respect at the bargaining table and respect for public services. You were emailed the details and an RSVP link on October 9. Please attend if you are able and wear HSAA blue.

We also need everyone to share this update. Talk to your co-workers, friends and family. Share with them what this disrespectful offer will mean to you and the health-care system Albertans value. Without HSAA members, there is no health care, and without fair wages, the staffing crisis will only get worse.

Next week, we will be asking you and our thousands of passionate public health-care supporters to email your MLAs and urge them to show you the respect and fair wages you deserve. When we came together in our last round of bargaining to collectively lobby our MLAS over wage rollbacks, we got their attention and succeeded. Let's do it again!


When HSAA members from across the province come together in collective action for a common cause we become an unstoppable force of solidarity.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this bargaining update, please reach out to HSAA through our bargaining email at AHSbargaining@hsaa.ca.

In solidarity,

Your AHS Bargaining Team

Megan Connolly, Social Worker, Calgary (Chair)

Sarah Dorma, Social Worker, Calgary

Dean Rombough, Public Health Inspector, Edmonton

Jason Soklofske, Advanced Care Paramedic, Medicine Hat (South)

Vicki Wakulchyk, Addictions Counsellor, Calgary

Sarah Mullin, Social Worker, Red Deer (Central)

Kelly Sherwood, Advanced Care Paramedic, Edmonton

Chandra Arsenault, Respiratory Therapist, Edmonton

Brittany Fandrick, Dental Hygienist, Westlock (North)

Todd Romanow, HSAA Labour Relations Officer (Lead Spokesperson)

Jody Machtans, HSAA Labour Relations Officer, (Spokesperson)

Sheena Schiemann, HSAA Administrative Assistant Negotiations

Click Here to download the PDF

To RSVP for the Rally - Click Here

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Edmonton-Metro LUE Edmonton-Metro LUE

Oct 24 - General Alberta Union Rally at the Leg Grounds

***UPDATE - We will be meeting at the Fallen Paramedic Memorial for 1100***

Well the time has come. For those of you wanting to take action and do more we have a Rally to attend. This Rally will be held at the Legislature on Thursday Oct.24th @ 1130 - 1230 hrs. This will be in conjunction with UNA and AUPE members. This will be a test of sorts, to see how angry, fed up and pissed off all you unionized healthcare professionals are.

This is a “days-off” event for our EMS colleagues, if you are on “days-off” please come on down and spend a hour or so telling the government what we truly value and what we want. DO NOT come in uniform!

If you happen to be on ambulance and in the area please
The employer wishes to remind all staff of Article 4.04
- An Employee shall not engage in Union business during their working hours without prior permission of the Employer.

Staff at work are on paid time and Permission has not been granted

There is plenty of piss and vinegar on Social Media. We, your HSAA Local Unit Executive would like to see how this translates into bodies showing up when it counts. We are all the union, every single one of us. There is only one of me but many of us.

Make us proud

Lockerby and your LUE!

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Edmonton-Metro LUE Edmonton-Metro LUE

Bill 32 Election Day: Say YES to Solidarity

Friday September 27th 2024, all members of HSAA will receive a ballot in their email asking them to opt in to dues for non core activities.

This a requirement since Bill 32 was passed by the UCP in 2020.

I have posted my youtube video below on the topic. Please give it a watch if you do not know about Bill 32.

The main takeaway points are that non core activities are an important part of our union. It helps us support pro labour causes that advance our interests and also helps us contribute to our communities through financial donations to charities and non profits. At the end of the day, our union is a democratic organization that belongs to us, the workers. No government should have any say on what our union spends money on. It's an egregious example of government over reach and is a direct attack on our agency as organized workers. Bill 32 claims to be "restoring balance" in the workplace but what it's actually doing is taking power away from unions to weaken the position of workers and create a power imbalance in favor of employers.

Bill 32 by design will have members automatically opt out unless they vote to opt in. Those members who opt out will save around $50 per year and realistically those members will save even less because those $50 in union dues savings are tax deductible. This is a small amount on an individual level but adds up fast when you consider that our union has over 30,000 members.

Please join myself and the other members of our LUE and vote to opt in this year. Specific examples of what the non core dues support include:

- Dues to the Alberta Federation of Labour and Canadian Labour Congress

- Support for organizations like the Parkland Institute (who completed the report "Lights and Sirens: The critical condition of EMS in Alberta"

- Donations to food banks and women's shelters

- and many more

I'm happy to answer any questions that you may have.

More info is also available @ our Bill 32 Page

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Edmonton-Metro LUE Edmonton-Metro LUE

HSAA / AHS Bargaining Update 12

New bargaining updated from a few days ago.

Progress was made with the remaining non monetary items. This has resulted in improved language around management rights, grievances, leaves of absence for school and how long discipline stays on your employee file. Non monetary items are still an important part of our collective agreement and help ensure that we have rights that are consistent with us being treated with respect and dignity. As I have mentioned before, employers inherently have a large amount of power. The 2 main ways that an employer's power can be reduced is through the law and collective bargaining. In other words, as long as something isn't against the law or in a collective agreement (which is a legal contract), the employer can do as they please. This ability for the employer to do as they please is also called management rights. Therefore, workers must either lobby the government to pass laws in our favor or enshrine our demands in a collective agreement in order to ensure that our demands will be adhered to and we have protection from employers abusing their power. It sounds like we have made progress improving some of our protections and working conditions through non monetary items.

The reason non monetary items are discussed before monetary items in bargaining is because we want to find as much common ground as possible before hitting an impasse. In the event that we do go to mediation or binding arbitration, we want to have as little outstanding items as possible. Obviously, monetary items have the most potential for an impasse. So bargaining traditionally starts with non monetary items. This can be frustrating since monetary items are often the most important to us as workers. But based on this most recent update, it sounds like they are going to start negotiating monetary items this month.

Previous updates have stated that AHS's opening position was to offer us a 7.5% pay raise over 4 years and HSAA's opening position was a 25% increase in year 1 followed by a 10% increase in year 2. Our opening position is based on economic data that shows 35% is the pay raise necessary to make up for the last 10+ years of stagnated wages combined with inflation. In other words, it actually isn't that outrageous when you examine the supporting data. The number looks outrageous because it is several magnitudes bigger than previous public sector pay raises but the circumstances around these negotiations are unprecedented so there isn't really a fair comparison in recent memory. You will hear a lot of anti labour propaganda scoffing at our opening position. Please keep in mind that the numbers have to be viewed relative to economic conditions and not in a vacuum. Groceries and housing costs alone have gone up more than 35% in the last few years and we shouldn't shy away from asking for what we deserve.

With all that being said, there is a huge difference between 7.5% over 4 years and 35% over 2 years. Like any negotiation, the final number will end up somewhere between the two positions. That doesn't mean it will end up perfectly in the middle. It can end up skewed towards one position or the other. Our bargaining committee mentions in their update that they are anticipating hitting an impasse and requiring mediation. The nurse's union, UNA, has a similar opening monetary position to HSAA and has already hit an impasse and is starting mediation soon. Mediation involves a 3rd party joining the negotiations and trying to help both parties find common ground to resolve the impasse.

One of the factors complicating our negotiations is the Public Sectors Employer Act. This act was passed by the UCP government and gives the Minster of Finance the legislative authority to issue directives that set strategic direction in public sector bargaining, including term and fiscal limits, and the means to ensure that government direction is met prior to agreement being reached. PESA also allows the Minister to request various kinds of bargaining related information around compensation, employment and labour market data from affected employers. This means that the UCP are pulling the puppet strings of the AHS bargaining team. The UCP have already given the AHS bargaining team hard limits that they aren't allowed to pass when it comes to monetary items. And these hard limits are secret and shielded from FOIP requests. Our bargaining committee is essentially negotiating with a group that isn't allowed to make their own decisions and are guided by secret mandates. If that sounds unfair and stupid, it's because it is. It's another example of the bad faith bargaining AHS and the UCP are subjecting us to.

I hear a lot of frustration from our members that they want our union to hurry up with negotiations. Keep in mind that negotiations could end today if we accepted AHS's offer of 7.5% over 4 years. The reason we don't hurry up and accept the first offer is because it is insultingly low and does not align with our demands as workers. The reason the negotiations continue to drag on is because our bargaining committee is fighting to make gains in our favor and that takes time. Stalling negotiations is a classic employer tactic to frustrate members into turning on their union or finally accepting a mediocre offer just to be done with bargaining. I encourage everyone to remain patient and keep any anger or frustration directed at AHS as opposed to our union.

Lastly, there are important developments taking place right now that may influence our bargaining strategy. CUPE education workers are close to going on strike and as I mentioned, UNA is entering into mediation for monetary items. Watching how these two processes unfold will give us insight into how the government and the public respond to mediation and job action. I will try to provide updates on these matters as things develop.

As always, please don't hesitate to ask questions. If I don't know the answer, I will try to help you find it. You can also reach out to any member of our LUE if you want to discuss questions or concerns.

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Edmonton-Metro LUE Edmonton-Metro LUE

Letter of Understanding REACHED between HSAA and AHS - Transfer Agreement to Provincial Health Authorities

New bargaining update today. A Letter of Understanding has been reached between our union and AHS regarding the transfer of members from AHS to Recovery Alberta or any other newly created provincial health agencies in the future. This allows those members affected to choose their employer based on the availability of vacant positions in the same classification. And provides protections to other aspects of employment such as seniority date, pre approved vacation and time off being honoured and hours worked toward climbing the salary grid being carried over.

AHS was previously unwilling to commit to these terms. However, these terms are now in the collective agreement, which is a legal contract. These are the steps that we must take as a union to protect ourselves. Promises from AHS mean nothing. We must get what we want in writing, in a legal contract. Compassion and kindness are rarely shown to us in good faith.

If you have watched my Youtube videos, then you will know that I love framing everything through a lens of power. Power is present in every workplace. Employers want as much power as possible and they want to exercise that power over employees to serve their own self interests. Unfortunately, power inherently belongs to the employer because they control the means of production. And that’s what we were seeing with AHS. AHS controls the provincial health care agencies and they wanted absolute power to control their employees to suit the needs of the provincial health care agencies. Our union and collective bargaining is what gives us the workers power. This is an example of our union using the power of collective bargaining to take power away from AHS and use our power to get what we want. This may not seem noteworthy to some of you but it’s a great example of the power we have as workers. AHS (or any employer for that matter) isn’t a monolith. We can force them to change.

I loathe the fact that I need to spend most of my adult life working for someone else. Therefore, I am very passionate about the labour movement and getting treated with respect and dignity as a worker. I enjoy talking about unions and labour and I believe that the rank and file worker is the most important agent of change. Please continue to ask questions and seek discussion. It’s how we learn together to increase our understanding of the issues we face.

Check your email for links to the LOU

Why is this important to EMS?

Because nobody has any idea what is going to happen as the UCP tears our Health Care System asunder. Nothing is true and anything is possible:

https://www.airdriecityview.com/local-news/alberta-premier-reveals-plans-to-transfer-hospitals-away-from-ahs-9387543 ( the UCP wants Covenant to run rural hospitals)

Nothing is out of bounds for this government, we have no idea what pillar EMS will ultimately end up in.

United we bargain. Divided we beg.

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Edmonton-Metro LUE Edmonton-Metro LUE

Essential Service Agreements, Labor Action, and YOU

There have been some questions arising from members about what our rights are as paramedics when it comes to job action and what may happen if a collective agreement can't be negotiated at the bargaining table. Hopefully this post can answer some of those questions.

So first, what is a strike? Well a strike includes (1) a cessation of work, (2) a refusal to work, or (3) a refusal to continue to work, by two or more employees for the purpose of compelling their employer to agree to terms or conditions of employment. This can also be referred to as "job action" and it can take many different forms. A strike can involve walking off the job and forming a picket line. But it can also involve other actions such as work to rule, where workers slow down their work by following all policies to a strict interpretation or even collective actions to harm the employer such as collectively refusing to pick up voluntary OT.

When can a strike happen? Well a strike can be legal or illegal. In order to be in a legal strike position the following must happen:

1. Any collective agreement between the union and the employer must be expired.

2. The parties must enter into collective bargaining.

3. The parties must work with a government- appointed mediator.

4. A 14-day cooling-off period must elapse following mediation.

5. A Labour Board-supervised strike vote (unions) or lockout poll (employers) must be taken and a majority of those voting must agree to the strike or lockout.

6. One party must serve the other (as well as the mediator) with 72 hours of notice before the strike or lockout commences.

We are currently at step 2 of this process and hopefully a deal can be reached without having to go further. You will also note that step 5 says that a majority of workers voting must vote in favor of a strike. But as a union, we do not want to hold a strike vote unless we know that we are going to have 90%+ vote in favor. This is because any amount less than that looks weak and shows that we lack the solidarity to win through a prolonged strike. Think about the different messages a 51% in favor strike vote sends to the employer vs a 97% in favor strike vote.

If the above requirements are not met, then any job action is considered illegal. This means the Alberta Labour Relations Board can order the workers to cease the job action, those participating can be disciplined by the employer and the union can be fined. In October 2020, several AUPE local units walked off the job suddenly in a wildcat strike. This is a strike done without union leadership approval and done without being in a legal strike position. This wildcat strike lasted 1 day and they were ordered back to work by the Alberta Labour Relations Board. Hundreds of workers received workplace discipline and the union was later fine $1.6 million or the equivalent of 1 month worth of union dues at the locals involved as punishment. And that was a 1 day illegal strike. Keep in mind, that any collective action that we do as a local to protest against AHS could be considered illegal job action and our union could be fined and we could be disciplined.

So can healthcare workers legally strike if they meet the requirements? In 2015, the supreme court of Canada ruled that healthcare workers are allowed to strike provided that the life, personal safety or health of the public are protected. The way this requirement is met is through the negotiation of Essential Services Agreements (ESA). An ESA determines the minimum staffing levels for each profession that must be maintained to satisfy those requirements to protect the public. As paramedics, we are 100% essential and would not be able to have anyone walk off the job. However, a profession like physiotherapists would likely be able to have most of them walk off the job. Remember, our collective bargaining unit has over 150 professions and each one would have their own ESA.

If our collective bargaining unit went on strike, what would that look like for paramedics? Because we are 100% essential, we would all continue to show up to work as usual and we would continue to get paid. Our brothers and sisters who are deemed not essential would walk off the job and hit the picket line. They would not be getting paid by AHS. Our union has a strike fund to help pay for the cost of a strike, including providing strike pay for time spent on the picket line. But this strike pay is not much, especially compared to the wages we make in our collective agreement. To help with this, those of us who continue to go to work and get paid our normal wage would pay 30% of our gross wages to union dues instead of 1.4%. These extra union dues would help fund the strike. So as paramedics, our take home pay would be significantly less. But we are expected to stand in solidarity with those who have been allowed to walk off the job and it's our responsibility to help support them to keep our strike viable. Striking isn't meant to be pleasant or easy for anyone.

What is a scab? A scab is someone who crosses a picket line to work for an employer who's workers are on strike. It is the cardinal sin of the working class.

Would paramedics be considered scabs? No. Because we are legally required to show up to work as per the ESA. We are also paying increased union dues to support the strike.

What happens if I scab? Any member of HSAA who scabs will have to pay 100% of their wages as union dues. In other words you would be working for free. You would also likely be kicked out of the union. AHS might start offering big money to healthcare workers to come work during a strike. There could even be paramedic staffing agencies who offer big money contracts to work for AHS during that time. But any work outside an ESA would be considered a betrayal of the union and undermine a strike. It's the worst thing a union member can do.

Keep in mind as well, in order for a strike to be successful, especially as public sector healthcare workers, we need the public to support us. We need the public to view us as community allies to help put pressure on AHS to give in to our demands. This is tricky because we need to cause a headache for AHS by withholding our labour while also not pissing off the public by making it too difficult for them to access healthcare.

Please keep asking questions. It's important that we all understand the collective bargaining process and what our rights are. I hope we don't have to resort to job action but we also have to be aware that it's a possibility andunderstand what that means for us as paramedics. Hopefully this was informative.

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Edmonton-Metro LUE Edmonton-Metro LUE

Paramedics have the right to Refuse Dangerous Work

What Is a Dangerous Work Refusal?

A worker may refuse to work or to do work at a work site if the worker believes on reasonable grounds that there is a dangerous condition at the work site, or that the work constitutes a danger to the worker’s health and safety or to the health and safety of another worker or another person. The manager and worker will work together to remove the dangerous situation. If at any time you need more assistance with a dangerous work refusal, your Workplace Health and Safety Advisor can help.

What do you need to do?

Step 1: Worker believes there is a dangerous work condition.

Step 2: Worker promptly reports the work refusal to their manager or supervisor, along with their reasons they believe the work is dangerous.

Step 3: Manager and worker work together to assess the situation and determine if it can be resolved right away.

Step 4: If resolved: the worker goes back to work and an incident report is submitted in MySafetyNet.

Step 5: If NOT resolved: see the Dangerous Work refusal flowcharts below. Submit an incident report in MySafetyNet.

Step 6: Call your local Workplace Health and Safety Advisor if you need assistance.

Common EMS scenarios that may trigger a refusal of dangerous work

  • Violent scenes unsecured by Police

  • Defunct CO detector

  • Defunct portable radios

  • Defunct AC/Heating in ambulance

  • Absent PPE - Gloves / Eye Protection / Gowns / Respiratory protection

Please consult the Edmonton Zone EMS Hazard Identification Assessment and Control (HIAC) for further details on controls and equipment that have been implemented to keep you safe on the job.

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Edmonton-Metro LUE Edmonton-Metro LUE

Pressure From HSAA EMS Locals makes Employer rescind Social Media Post normalizing Violence against Paramedics

This week, during the 2024 Paramedic Services Week Virtual Ride along, a Calgary paramedic was assaulted by a patient and required transport the hospital. Fortunately the member did not suffer significant injury. Unfortunately, the messaging communicated by the Employer’s social media/Instagram take-over, set the tone that violence against paramedics is not out of the ordinary and is just common expectation of doing the job. Pressure from HSAA Local Unit Executives through there Employee-Management Advisory Committee meetings were not only able to get the employer to publish a statement denouncing violence against Paramedics, but also delete the inconsiderate post.

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Edmonton-Metro LUE Edmonton-Metro LUE

HSAA- AHS Bargaining Update #5


All HSAA Members employed by Alberta Health Services (AHS)


Your AHS Bargaining Team


AHS Bargaining Update #5


Your bargaining team met with AHS for negotiations on April 30, May 1, and May 2. We are pleased to report that the tone of the negotiations has been respectful, and there has been a significant improvement in both the pace of bargaining and the ability to sign-off articles. 

We expressed concern over the employer’s negotiation approach in our last update. We came prepared to make progress on non-monetary items and were successful in coming to agreements with the employer at a pace we feel is appropriate for the stage of the bargaining process we are in. Over this set of dates, we were able to sign off on numerous articles and established a good pace on negotiating non-monetary items that are either not contentious or where our differences can be resolved.  

Focusing on non-monetary items at the start of negotiations is part of our bargaining strategy. It will provide us with the best opportunity to get a fair deal for all the disciplines of HSAA represented in this Collective Agreement. By starting with the items where consensus with the employer can be easily reached and working our way to the areas that are most complicated or where there is the most significant disagreement, we ensure that those inevitable conflicts do not prevent us from securing gains in other areas. These non-monetary items are essential and critical to achieving the mandate you have set for us. We will be working to maintain this respectful dialogue as long as we can, but we are prepared for this to change once we reach the deeper issues impacting our workplaces and compensation. When the time comes, we will be ready to shift our tone and approach to ensure we achieve the best deal possible. 

We have more dates coming up right away on May 14, 15 and 16, and we are optimistic we can keep the pace of this last round.   

We want to express our deep appreciation for all the members who are sharing feedback and who have participated in the bargaining survey. Your input is invaluable and plays a crucial role in shaping our bargaining strategy. Every email and piece of feedback we receive is read, discussed and replied to. We are your bargaining committee, and we want the employer to hear what every article and Letter of Understanding means to you and how our proposals would make a difference for you. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to email us or share your thoughts and perspectives in the bargaining survey, it empowers us to achieve the mandate that you have set for us.   

We are keeping up our pace and commitment to reach a deal. We will be back in bargaining again very soon and, as always, we will provide you with an update as soon as we can. If you have any questions about our Union's approach to bargaining, you can access the FAQ page here. For further questions or feedback, please email ahsbargaining@hsaa.ca

In solidarity,

Your AHS Bargaining Team

Megan Connolly, Social Worker, Calgary (Chair)

Sarah Dorma, Social Worker, Calgary

Dean Rombough, Public Health Inspector, Edmonton

Jason Soklofske, Advanced Care Paramedic, Medicine Hat (South)

Vicki Wakulchyk, Addictions Counsellor, Calgary

Sarah Mullin, Social Worker, Red Deer (Central)

Kelly Sherwood, Advanced Care Paramedic, Edmonton

Chandra Arsenault, Respiratory Therapist, Edmonton

Brittany Fandrick, Dental Hygienist, Westlock (North)

Todd Romanow, HSAA Labour Relations Officer (Lead Spokesperson)

Jody Machtans, HSAA Labour Relations Officer, (Spokesperson)

Sheena Schiemann, HSAA Administrative Assistant Negotiations

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Edmonton-Metro LUE Edmonton-Metro LUE

HSAA / AHS EMS Job Classification Specifications

How AHS / HSAA defines the work done by ACPs

How AHS / HSAA defines the work done by PCPs

How AHS / HSAA defines the work done by EMRs

The way AHS looks at Classification / Reclassification is based on something called the Points Factor System (developed in 2006/2008).

Some of the dimension AHS grades a job on are:

  • Knowledge /education

  • Decision making / autonomy / SOP/ policy

  • Work complexity

  • Leadership / students

  • Working environment

  • Physical demands

  • Working conditions

  • Accountabilities

  • Communication / interpersonal

  • Numbers of levels in the classification

Unfortunately this system was developed before EMS was folded into AHS/HSAA.

One thing that can trigger a Reclassification or the creation of a new Classification is a “substantive change.” (Taken from AHS Insite - Classification Procedures)

Substantive Change

The practical application of “substantive change” in the evaluation of a position is not a quantitative process, but a qualitative process applied during the assessment of all aspects of the job. It is a comparative analysis of the new job duties to previous job duties, which takes into consideration the full scope of the changes. For the purposes of Job Evaluation, there are a number of considerations in its application. The assessment of substantial change encompasses a combination of elements defined below:

It is:

  • a comparative analysis of new job duties to previous job duties, which takes into consideration the depth and breadth of the changes

  • a shift in the primary focus of the role due to the addition and/or deletion of a number of tasks/activities

  • a prolonged and sustained activity representing a significant amount of time and has the potential to change the primary focus of the job

  • a reflection of the value of a collection of tasks, that have shifted or changed to the point where they no longer relate to the existing classification

  • an observable and distinguishable difference in relation to other similarly classified positions

  • a change in type of work (complexity) and nature of the work (reflective of skill/effort/level of responsibility); important in effect or overall consequence to the area supported by the position

It is not:

  • a single change in an activity or task

  • an increase in the workload or volume of a task/activity (more of the same)

  • a single or rarely/occasionally assumed responsibility

  • a temporary assignment of different/higher level duties

  • quantifiable as a percentage or “number of changes”

  • a more detailed explanation/documentation or change in process of existing tasks

  • assumed duties that are not actual responsibilities of the position (work must be assigned by operational leadership, and not assumed by the employee to be part of their assigned duties)

  • the introduction of new technology, which streamlines and/or creates efficiencies in the way the work is completed

  • the introduction of new educational requirements to meet a particular standard, or legislative requirement

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Edmonton-Metro LUE Edmonton-Metro LUE

Surviving Violent Encounters

Frontline EMS staff encounter a lot of violence

Month after month “Workplace Violence - Physical” is consistently among the top 3 reported reported types of workplace incidents and this last month saw:

  • 5 Code 200s

  • 6 Requests for EPS Hot due to violence

In an effort to reduce injuries from violence AHS EMS Employee Programs (EEP) created a Violence Prevention Program (more info can be found at AHS EMS - Violence Prevention Program)

The Violence prevention program recently published the results of its staff engagement surveys, and as part of its commitment to engage with front line staff, also held focus groups to gather context for the survey results. Heather Doyle, the leader of the Program also asked the Edmonton Zone EMS Joint Workplace Health and Safety Committee if we had anything to contribute. The Employee members of the committee put together and submitted the following positions statement:

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Edmonton-Metro LUE Edmonton-Metro LUE

EDMO and the Case of the Empty Telestaff

Many of you may have opened your Telestaff this AM and found it a strange and barren place. Your Local Chair - Lockerby was at stn 400 and had a chance to chat with both Mr. Olfert and Mr. Predy today and Telestaff will start to look more normal come the end of this weekend / the start of next week.

There are no conspiracies (Gov’t, Mgmt., lizard people or otherwise). What there are is plenty of Rover PCPs though all the recent hirings.  Management recognized that they overstaffed for this Easter STAT, which resulted in more staff at work than seats in ambulances.  All those employees who had their shifts cancelled got a direct phone call from the Shift Coordinator.  All OT picked up by members is still being honored. Anything offered and not picked up is off the table (for the moment). 

Casuals PCPs, as we are still ACP short - You may find slimmer pickings for the next couple months.  They are working on stabilizing the Rover pool and keeping things more consistent there, which your Local agrees with wholeheartedly. Please have a little bit of patience while this is ironed out.

ACPs should find the self fill opening up by weekend/Start of next week.

If you have any further questions please get a hold of one of your Local Unit Executive members or email:

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Edmonton-Metro LUE Edmonton-Metro LUE

Sierra S333

So, anyone here of S333?

Your LUE just found out this will be a Sierra position strictly for 400.  This Sierra will be keeping tabs on trucks and start times out of 400.  Now don’t go off, Ms.Farnham has been good and realized all the steps we take and how long the process is sign out your narcotics, to get a truck and give it a quick once over.  She even sends out kudos to crews that log on within 10 minutes of their start time!

Today she was very helpful and noted that I got my truck 21 minutes late from ARAs.  I was not the only one.

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Edmonton-Metro LUE Edmonton-Metro LUE

HSAA- AHS Bargaining Update #3


All HSAA Members employed by Alberta Health Services (AHS)


Your AHS Bargaining Committee


AHS Bargaining Update #3


Your Bargaining Committee met with the employer on March 19 and 20. We exchanged both monetary and non-monetary proposals and had preliminary discussions about them. While these initial conversations were professional and respectful, we did not begin discussing the proposals in detail and more proposals will be exchanged in coming rounds.  

Our first impressions tell us that the outcome of this round of bargaining will be defined by the employer's approach to the complex nature of our diverse membership. We are committed to making bargaining work, but we have serious concerns about the employer's opening proposal. We need all of you to be ready to advocate for what is fair for all HSAA members. 

We have presented an opening monetary proposal consistent with other health care unions, which will allow us the ability to negotiate the best collective agreement. 

Unfortunately, we have not yet received a complete opening package of proposals from the employer. There are significant details missing from the employer’s proposal which does not allow us to understand the intricacies of how their proposals impact all our members. This is a significant issue for the bargaining process, and we are working to obtain the details from the employer before the next round of bargaining. Your Bargaining Committee will need time to review them once they are provided so we can fully understand the implications for all of our members. 

Our next round of negotiations is from April 16 to 18. In that round, we will be focused on clarifying how the employer's proposals would be applied to all our professions and classifications. The discussion of those details will be a test of the employer's professionalism and openness in this round of bargaining.   

There are many difficult conversations ahead of us, but your Bargaining Committee is dedicated to negotiating for the collective good of all HSAA members.  

If you have questions about our Union’s approach to bargaining, there is an FAQ page you can access here. If you have further questions or feedback, please email ahsbargaining@hsaa.ca.

Please share these updates with your colleagues in your workplaces. If you find out that someone is not receiving these emails, encourage them to sign up as a member on hsaa.ca and ensure they are subscribed to our emails.

In solidarity,

Your AHS Bargaining Committee

Megan Connolly, Social Worker, Calgary (Chair)

Sarah Dorma, Social Worker, Calgary

Dean Rombough, Public Health Inspector, Edmonton

Jason Soklofske, Advanced Care Paramedic, Medicine Hat (South)

Vicki Wakulchyk, Addictions Counsellor, Calgary

Sarah Mullin, Social Worker, Red Deer (Central)

Kelly Sherwood, Advanced Care Paramedic, Edmonton

Chandra Arsenault, Respiratory Therapist, Edmonton

Brittany Fandrick, Dental Hygienist, Westlock (North)

Todd Romanow, HSAA Labour Relations Officer (Lead Spokesperson)

Jody Machtans, HSAA Labour Relations Officer (Spokesperson)

Sheena Schiemann, HSAA Administrative Assistant Negotiations

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Edmonton-Metro LUE Edmonton-Metro LUE

HSAA - AHS Bargaining Update #2


All HSAA Members employed by Alberta Health Services (AHS)


Your AHS Bargaining Team


AHS Bargaining Update #2


As your bargaining team prepares to start negotiations, we want to share what we’ve heard from you and what to expect in the coming weeks. 


Your bargaining team has spent seven days together reviewing research, analyzing your feedback, discussing strategy and developing our proposals. We understand the significance of the issues that will be coming to the bargaining table and feel your urgency for results. As your bargaining committee heads to the table, we are feeling inspired by your passion, and we are optimistic about what we can achieve together.

The bargaining committee feels incredibly supported by you and want to express our appreciation to everyone who took time to fill out the survey or share input. There was a record number of responses to the survey. The huge volume of input helps us understand your priorities and find our collective goals. Your committee reviewed every survey response, every email, and every bit of feedback we got from you. Thank you. You are not just being heard; your input is guiding us every step of the way.

Your bargaining committee has developed a long list of proposals to take to AHS. The proposals cover the vast range of topics that were important to you. There was a resounding endorsement of five priorities: 

  • Increased wages & compensation

  • Improved benefits

  • Protecting job security

  • Enhancing leave provisions

  • Addressing workload and staffing issues

It was incredibly encouraging to see that these priorities were consistent across all our disciplines and in every region of the province. Our membership is united in our position, and your committee will remain focused on your priorities in our efforts to get the most gains for the collective good.

Now that the proposals have been developed, the next step is to meet with AHS on March 19 and 20 to exchange proposals. This will be our first opportunity to get a real, face-to-face understanding for the tone negotiations are going to take and you will receive an update as soon as possible after that meeting.

While all of this is happening, we want you to know your union is keeping a close eye on the government’s approach to restructuring health care in Alberta. The announced changes are not impacting our approach to bargaining, but our Union will be vigilant in our monitoring for any developments, and you will be informed if any further details are uncovered or if bargaining is impacted. 

 If you have questions about our Union’s approach to bargaining, there is an FAQ page you can access here. If you have further questions or feedback to provide us, please email ahsbargaining@hsaa.ca

And before we go, we have one more thing to ask of you. Please share these updates with your colleagues in your workplaces. If you find out that someone is not receiving these emails, encourage them to sign up as a member on hsaa.ca and ensure they are subscribed to our emails. 

Being signed up as a member is how you receive bargaining updates and, more importantly, a ballot when it comes time to vote on the collective agreement. We hope you’ll spread the work to as many as possible, so everyone is informed and able to vote.

In solidarity,

Your AHS Bargaining Team

Megan Connolly, Social Worker, Calgary (Chair)

Sarah Dorma, Social Worker, Calgary

Dean Rombough, Public Health Inspector, Edmonton

Jason Soklofske, Advanced Care Paramedic, Medicine Hat (South)

Vicki Wakulchyk, Addictions Counsellor, Calgary

Sarah Mullin, Social Worker, Red Deer (Central)

Kelly Sherwood, Advanced Care Paramedic, Edmonton

Chandra Arsenault, Respiratory Therapist, Edmonton

Brittany Fandrick, Dental Hygienist, Westlock (North)

Todd Romanow, HSAA Labour Relations Officer (Lead Spokesperson)

Jody Machtans, HSAA Labour Relations Officer, (Spokesperson)

Sheena Schiemann, HSAA Administrative Assistant Negotiations

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Edmonton-Metro LUE Edmonton-Metro LUE

Edmonton Metro Shift Pick

EDMO 2024-2025 Shift Pick

Shift Pick 2024 - 2025

Feb 12-16, 2024 - Live Updates

Please come visit! We will be set up at Station 39 (QMP).

There will be snacks!

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Edmonton-Metro LUE Edmonton-Metro LUE

HSAA - AHS Bargaining Update #1


All HSAA Members employed by Alberta Health Services, Bethany Nursing Home of Camrose and Lamont Health Care Centre (United Church of Canada)


Here we go! AHS bargaining update #1

Hi Kelly,

Welcome to the first of what could be a long list of bargaining updates for 2020. This round of negotiations is going to be like none ever seen before in Alberta. We want to begin by thanking the dozens of HSAA members who volunteered to serve as part of the HSAA’s bargaining committee. There were many factors HSAA's Board of Directors considered before determining who would be chosen for the committee – such as geographic location, health sector employment (community, acute, etc.), experience, Union involvement and HSAA District.

We are pleased to announce the members of the HSAA’s Bargaining Committee.

  • Committee Chair (Board) Leanne Alfaro, EEG Technologist II

  • Edmonton (Board) Donna Farquharson, Respiratory Therapist I 

  • South (Board) Jason Soklofske, Advanced Care Paramedic

  • North (Member-at-Large) Ilea Kapler, MRT I

  • Edmonton (Member-at-Large) Jenalyn Myggland, Occupational Therapist I

  • Calgary (Member-at-Large) Linda Van Haar, Social Worker II

  • South (Member-at-Large) Trevor Puritch, Primary Care Paramedic

  • Central (Member-at-Large) Wayne Button, Public Health Inspector I

  • Lead Spokesperson Marnie Stuart, Labour Relations Officer

  • Spokesperson Kate Robinson, Labour Relations Officer

  • Administrative Assistant, Negotiations Sheena Schiemann

Preparations are underway for our upcoming bargaining dates which are tentatively set for:

  • April 2/3 – proposal exchange

  • April 14/15

  • May 12/13

  • May 20/21

  • June 16/17

  • June 24/25

We’ve mentioned how this is shaping up to be a round of negotiations the likes of which have never been seen before in Alberta. An indicator of that is the proposal exchanges we have already seen for the United Nurses of Alberta (UNA) and the Alberta Teachers Association (ATA). First, the proposals from the employers were basic carbon copies to both organizations and they contained a detailed listing of monetary issues, something that normally does not happen at this stage. Secondly, UNA made the decision to publicly post the proposal presented to them.

While HSAA is carefully considering the public and media relations approach we will take during bargaining, there is one thing we want to make perfectly clear. Our focus and priority will be engaging and communicating with members to ensure you have the very latest information and we are accurately representing you at the bargaining table.

You will soon be getting an email with a member’s pre-bargaining survey where you will be able to tell us the issues you want us to focus on at the table. The launch date for the survey is tentatively set for Monday, February 10 and it will remain open for two weeks to help make sure the maximum number of members can fill it out.

  • Tentative Launch Date – February 10, 2020

  • Tentative Close Date - February 24, 2020

*PLEASE NOTE: The survey will be sent to all active HSAA members with a personal email address on file with the HSAA. To submit or update your email address call the Member's Resource Centre at 1-844-280-4722, email membership@hsaa.ca or update your member profile through your HSAA Member Hub.

Our Wage Re-opener

The dates have been set for us to appear before an arbitrator and settle the wage re-opener on our current contract. We will be sitting down with an arbitrator on Monday, January 27 and Monday, February 10. A reminder, arbitrators have recently ruled for a 0% increase for both the ATA and UNA.

Our starting position heading into arbitration is for a 5% increase for the final year of our deal. We were originally informed by Alberta Health Services (AHS) that it would be seeking a 0% increase as it’s opening position. That position was overridden by the current government and AHS is now seeking a 5% rollback of your wages.

We will continue to keep you updated on the wage re-opener as events unfold.

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