HSAA- AHS Bargaining Update #3
All HSAA Members employed by Alberta Health Services (AHS)
Your AHS Bargaining Committee
AHS Bargaining Update #3
Your Bargaining Committee met with the employer on March 19 and 20. We exchanged both monetary and non-monetary proposals and had preliminary discussions about them. While these initial conversations were professional and respectful, we did not begin discussing the proposals in detail and more proposals will be exchanged in coming rounds.
Our first impressions tell us that the outcome of this round of bargaining will be defined by the employer's approach to the complex nature of our diverse membership. We are committed to making bargaining work, but we have serious concerns about the employer's opening proposal. We need all of you to be ready to advocate for what is fair for all HSAA members.
We have presented an opening monetary proposal consistent with other health care unions, which will allow us the ability to negotiate the best collective agreement.
Unfortunately, we have not yet received a complete opening package of proposals from the employer. There are significant details missing from the employer’s proposal which does not allow us to understand the intricacies of how their proposals impact all our members. This is a significant issue for the bargaining process, and we are working to obtain the details from the employer before the next round of bargaining. Your Bargaining Committee will need time to review them once they are provided so we can fully understand the implications for all of our members.
Our next round of negotiations is from April 16 to 18. In that round, we will be focused on clarifying how the employer's proposals would be applied to all our professions and classifications. The discussion of those details will be a test of the employer's professionalism and openness in this round of bargaining.
There are many difficult conversations ahead of us, but your Bargaining Committee is dedicated to negotiating for the collective good of all HSAA members.
If you have questions about our Union’s approach to bargaining, there is an FAQ page you can access here. If you have further questions or feedback, please email ahsbargaining@hsaa.ca.
Please share these updates with your colleagues in your workplaces. If you find out that someone is not receiving these emails, encourage them to sign up as a member on hsaa.ca and ensure they are subscribed to our emails.
In solidarity,
Your AHS Bargaining Committee
Megan Connolly, Social Worker, Calgary (Chair)
Sarah Dorma, Social Worker, Calgary
Dean Rombough, Public Health Inspector, Edmonton
Jason Soklofske, Advanced Care Paramedic, Medicine Hat (South)
Vicki Wakulchyk, Addictions Counsellor, Calgary
Sarah Mullin, Social Worker, Red Deer (Central)
Kelly Sherwood, Advanced Care Paramedic, Edmonton
Chandra Arsenault, Respiratory Therapist, Edmonton
Brittany Fandrick, Dental Hygienist, Westlock (North)
Todd Romanow, HSAA Labour Relations Officer (Lead Spokesperson)
Jody Machtans, HSAA Labour Relations Officer (Spokesperson)
Sheena Schiemann, HSAA Administrative Assistant Negotiations