Surviving Violent Encounters

Frontline EMS staff encounter a lot of violence

Month after month “Workplace Violence - Physical” is consistently among the top 3 reported reported types of workplace incidents and this last month saw:

  • 5 Code 200s

  • 6 Requests for EPS Hot due to violence

In an effort to reduce injuries from violence AHS EMS Employee Programs (EEP) created a Violence Prevention Program (more info can be found at AHS EMS - Violence Prevention Program)

The Violence prevention program recently published the results of its staff engagement surveys, and as part of its commitment to engage with front line staff, also held focus groups to gather context for the survey results. Heather Doyle, the leader of the Program also asked the Edmonton Zone EMS Joint Workplace Health and Safety Committee if we had anything to contribute. The Employee members of the committee put together and submitted the following positions statement:


HSAA / AHS EMS Job Classification Specifications


EDMO and the Case of the Empty Telestaff