Bill 32 and You - Our Union, Our Voice

Bill 32, passed in 2020, was the UCPs first forays into bringing American style right-to-work legislation into Alberta, by creating Red Tape around how HSAA uses the dues it collects. This bill divides the activities of HSAA into Core and Non-Core activities

Core Activities

  • Collective bargaining

  • Representing members

  • Creating public awareness, and lobbying.

  • Participating in legal proceedings.

  • Complying with obligations under enactments.

  • Supporting or representing dues payers in proceedings, investigations or hearings related to their employment.

  • Educating and training dues payers.

  • Negotiating and administering collective agreements to which the trade union is a party.

  • Engaging in activities that relate to the operation and governance of the trade union

Non Core Activities (everything else)

  • General social causes or issues

    • Donating to Food banks, Soup kitchens

  • Charities or non-governmental organizations

    • Donating to Women’s shelters

    • Donating to support Ukrainian Refugees

  • Organizations or groups affiliated with or supportive of a political party

    • Engaging with the Alberta Federation of Labour

    • Engaging with the Canadian Labour Congress

    • Engaging with the Political Parties

To Support non core activity each individual HSAA member has to manually opt-in every year.

This Year’s Opt-in window is:

September 25, 2023, to October 27, 2023.

For more information please visit

Please check your email starting

September 25 for your individual ballot