Frequently Asked Questions

  • For an excellent breakdown on labor concepts, visit our YouTube Channel:

  • The union local (often shortened to just local), is a local branch (or chapter) of Health Science Association of Alberta.

    Local branches are organized to represent the union's members from a particular geographic area, company, or business sector. Local unions have their own governing bodies which represent the interests of our union (HSAA) while at the same time responding to the desires of their constituents, and organize regular meetings for members.

  • LUE is short for Local Unit Executive. This is the governing body of our Local. This includes a Chair (or co-chair), Secretary, Treasurer, Stewards, Group Reps and Members at large

    • Advocated for Powerload Stretchers and lift systems for ambulances

    • Forced Management to give Bio-breaks and rest Periods

    • Fought for End of Shift / Safe half-hour policy
      previously EDMO crews were held over indefinitely, imagine being dispatched to late trip when you were already on an hour of OT

    • $3000 annually to spend on a psychologist

    • Fully Covered CPAP - being a first responder and doing shift work can put you at a higher risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (You may be exhausted from more than night shifts, please get a sleep study)

    • Fought for you to be able to do Shift Trades and Shift Give-Aways

    • Maintains the Seniority List

    • Maintains Truck and Vacation Pick

    • Advocates for work-life balance and works with management to develop the Unit Designations (Truck start/end times, locations)

    • Represents and supports you if you are involved in an investigation

    • Files Grievances if your enshrined rights from the CBA are infringed