HSAA - AHS Bargaining Update #2


All HSAA Members employed by Alberta Health Services (AHS)


Your AHS Bargaining Team


AHS Bargaining Update #2


As your bargaining team prepares to start negotiations, we want to share what we’ve heard from you and what to expect in the coming weeks. 


Your bargaining team has spent seven days together reviewing research, analyzing your feedback, discussing strategy and developing our proposals. We understand the significance of the issues that will be coming to the bargaining table and feel your urgency for results. As your bargaining committee heads to the table, we are feeling inspired by your passion, and we are optimistic about what we can achieve together.

The bargaining committee feels incredibly supported by you and want to express our appreciation to everyone who took time to fill out the survey or share input. There was a record number of responses to the survey. The huge volume of input helps us understand your priorities and find our collective goals. Your committee reviewed every survey response, every email, and every bit of feedback we got from you. Thank you. You are not just being heard; your input is guiding us every step of the way.

Your bargaining committee has developed a long list of proposals to take to AHS. The proposals cover the vast range of topics that were important to you. There was a resounding endorsement of five priorities: 

  • Increased wages & compensation

  • Improved benefits

  • Protecting job security

  • Enhancing leave provisions

  • Addressing workload and staffing issues

It was incredibly encouraging to see that these priorities were consistent across all our disciplines and in every region of the province. Our membership is united in our position, and your committee will remain focused on your priorities in our efforts to get the most gains for the collective good.

Now that the proposals have been developed, the next step is to meet with AHS on March 19 and 20 to exchange proposals. This will be our first opportunity to get a real, face-to-face understanding for the tone negotiations are going to take and you will receive an update as soon as possible after that meeting.

While all of this is happening, we want you to know your union is keeping a close eye on the government’s approach to restructuring health care in Alberta. The announced changes are not impacting our approach to bargaining, but our Union will be vigilant in our monitoring for any developments, and you will be informed if any further details are uncovered or if bargaining is impacted. 

 If you have questions about our Union’s approach to bargaining, there is an FAQ page you can access here. If you have further questions or feedback to provide us, please email ahsbargaining@hsaa.ca

And before we go, we have one more thing to ask of you. Please share these updates with your colleagues in your workplaces. If you find out that someone is not receiving these emails, encourage them to sign up as a member on hsaa.ca and ensure they are subscribed to our emails. 

Being signed up as a member is how you receive bargaining updates and, more importantly, a ballot when it comes time to vote on the collective agreement. We hope you’ll spread the work to as many as possible, so everyone is informed and able to vote.

In solidarity,

Your AHS Bargaining Team

Megan Connolly, Social Worker, Calgary (Chair)

Sarah Dorma, Social Worker, Calgary

Dean Rombough, Public Health Inspector, Edmonton

Jason Soklofske, Advanced Care Paramedic, Medicine Hat (South)

Vicki Wakulchyk, Addictions Counsellor, Calgary

Sarah Mullin, Social Worker, Red Deer (Central)

Kelly Sherwood, Advanced Care Paramedic, Edmonton

Chandra Arsenault, Respiratory Therapist, Edmonton

Brittany Fandrick, Dental Hygienist, Westlock (North)

Todd Romanow, HSAA Labour Relations Officer (Lead Spokesperson)

Jody Machtans, HSAA Labour Relations Officer, (Spokesperson)

Sheena Schiemann, HSAA Administrative Assistant Negotiations


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