Oct 24 - General Alberta Union Rally at the Leg Grounds
***UPDATE - We will be meeting at the Fallen Paramedic Memorial for 1100***
Well the time has come. For those of you wanting to take action and do more we have a Rally to attend. This Rally will be held at the Legislature on Thursday Oct.24th @ 1130 - 1230 hrs. This will be in conjunction with UNA and AUPE members. This will be a test of sorts, to see how angry, fed up and pissed off all you unionized healthcare professionals are.
This is a “days-off” event for our EMS colleagues, if you are on “days-off” please come on down and spend a hour or so telling the government what we truly value and what we want. DO NOT come in uniform!
If you happen to be on ambulance and in the area please
The employer wishes to remind all staff of Article 4.04
- An Employee shall not engage in Union business during their working hours without prior permission of the Employer.
Staff at work are on paid time and Permission has not been granted
There is plenty of piss and vinegar on Social Media. We, your HSAA Local Unit Executive would like to see how this translates into bodies showing up when it counts. We are all the union, every single one of us. There is only one of me but many of us.
Make us proud
Lockerby and your LUE!