EDMO and the Case of the Empty Telestaff
Many of you may have opened your Telestaff this AM and found it a strange and barren place. Your Local Chair - Lockerby was at stn 400 and had a chance to chat with both Mr. Olfert and Mr. Predy today and Telestaff will start to look more normal come the end of this weekend / the start of next week.
There are no conspiracies (Gov’t, Mgmt., lizard people or otherwise). What there are is plenty of Rover PCPs though all the recent hirings. Management recognized that they overstaffed for this Easter STAT, which resulted in more staff at work than seats in ambulances. All those employees who had their shifts cancelled got a direct phone call from the Shift Coordinator. All OT picked up by members is still being honored. Anything offered and not picked up is off the table (for the moment).
Casuals PCPs, as we are still ACP short - You may find slimmer pickings for the next couple months. They are working on stabilizing the Rover pool and keeping things more consistent there, which your Local agrees with wholeheartedly. Please have a little bit of patience while this is ironed out.
ACPs should find the self fill opening up by weekend/Start of next week.
If you have any further questions please get a hold of one of your Local Unit Executive members or email: