Edmonton Zone Joint Workplace Health and Safety Committee

Bulletins / Posters / Campaigns

  • Top 3 Reported MSN Events

    • Psychological

    • Workplace Violence - Physical

    • MSK from client handling

  • Visual Indicator on MPS map showing where staged events are occurring

    • Coming in MPS 9.4 which is currently being field tested

  • Difficulty Contacting EPS Dispatch

  • Lack of training for Paramedics who find themselves in a violent encounter

  • Lack of External Violence Reporting Tool

    • MySafetyNet is currently unable to provide rich detail about when/where/who and how EZ paramedics are experiencing Violence

    • #ProtectParamedics

  • Securing of supply cabinets (In ambulance bays at hospitals & Stations) encounter

WHS Resources - Edmonton Zone - AHSEMS.COM

Follow this link to find HIACs, Meeting minutes and other resources

Edmonton Zone JWHS Committee High Priority Concerns

  • 42.01 - The Parties to this Collective Agreement will cooperate to the fullest extent in the matter of
    occupational health, safety and accident prevention. Required safety equipment and devices
    will be provided where necessary by the Employer. The Employer and Employees will take
    reasonable steps to eliminate reduce or minimize all workplace safety hazards.

    42.02 - The Employer shall establish a Health and Safety Committee(s) which shall be composed of
    representatives of the Employer and at least one (1) Employee representative of the Union
    and may include representatives of other Employee groups. The Employee representative of
    the Union may request the attendance of guest(s) at a Health and Safety Committee
    meeting(s), and this shall not be unreasonably denied. This Committee shall meet at least
    once a month.

    42.03 - The number of Employer representatives on the Committee shall not exceed the number of
    representatives from the Union and other Employee groups. The Committee will, on an annual basis, discuss and determine the most effective means of chairing meetings. A request to establish additional committees for each work Site or grouping of work Sites shall not be unreasonably denied where access to an existing committee(s) does not exist.

    42.04 - The Basic Rate of Pay shall be paid to an Employee representative for time spent in attendance at a meeting of this Committee.

    42.05 - The Employer shall not unreasonably deny Employee representatives of the Health and
    Safety Committee(s) access to the workplace to conduct safety inspections.

    42.06 - The Committee shall consider such matters as occupational health and safety including responsibility for communication and education as required. The Union may make recommendations to the Employer in that regard.

    42.07 - The Committee shall also consider measures necessary to protect the security of each
    Employee on the Employer’s premises and may make recommendations to the Employer in that regard.

    42.08 - The parties will make every reasonable effort to provide available relevant information to all
    participating parties at least five (5) days prior to any discussions or meetings to ensure meaningful discussion of safety concerns, incidents, and issues.


    (a) If an issue arises regarding occupational health or safety, the Employee or Union shall
    first seek to resolve the issue through discussion with the applicable immediate supervisor in an excluded management position. If the issue is not resolved satisfactorily, it may then be forwarded, in writing, to the committee.

    (b) Should an issue not be resolved by the Committee, the issue shall be referred to the Senior Program Officer with accountability for Workplace Health and Safety. A
    resolution meeting between the Union and the Senior Program Officer, or designate(s), shall take place within twenty-eight (28) calendar days of the issue being
    referred to the Senior Program Officer. The Senior Program Officer or designate(s) shall reply in writing to the Union within fourteen (14) calendar days.

    (c) Should an issue not be resolved by the Senior Program Officer, the issue shall be referred to the Chief Executive Officer (or designate). A resolution meeting between
    the Union and the CEO (or designate) shall take place within twenty-eight (28) calendar days of the issue being referred to the CEO. The CEO (or designate) shall
    reply in writing to the Union within fourteen (14) calendar days.

    (d) Should the issue remain unresolved following the CEO’s written response, the Union
    may request and shall have the right to present its recommendation(s) to the governing Board. The governing Board shall reply in writing to the Union within twenty-eight (28) calendar days of the presentation by the Union.

    42.10 - Where an Employee is assigned to work alone, the Employer shall have in place a policy and procedure to support a working alone safety plan.

    42.11 - The Employer shall implement a psychological health and safety plan consistent with the
    current CSA Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace Standard. Aspects of this plan relevant to a particular workplace may be reviewed annually by the Health and Safety

    42.12 - Employer policies, plans and procedures related to Occupational Health and Safety shall be
    reviewed annually by the Committee.

    42.13 - Where the Employer requires that the Employee receive specific immunization and titre, as a result of or related to their work, it shall be provided at no cost.


    (a) OHS education, training and instruction shall be provided to Employees, at the Basic
    Rate of Pay, to fulfill the requirements for training, instruction or education set out in
    the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulation or Code.

    (b) The Employer shall provide training at no cost to all Employees on the Committee to assist them in performing their duties on the Committee. Such training shall be provided at the Employee’s Basic Rate of Pay.

    42.15 When introducing a regularly scheduled shift that begins or ends between the hours of twenty-four hundred (2400) and zero six hundred (0600), the Employer will notify the Union