41.01 The Parties to this Collective Agreement agree to establish an Employee-Management Advisory Committee(s) (EMAC) or the equivalent for promoting harmonious relationships and discussing topics of mutual concern between the Employees and the Employer. EMACs are limited to discussing issues outside of the Collective Agreement.

41.02 Employee representatives on EMAC shall be appointed by the Union.

41.03 There shall be no loss of income for time spent by Employees at meetings and in carrying out the functions of the EMAC

Submit a concern for your representatives to bring forward to the EMAC Table

  • Micheal Lockerby - LUE Chair

  • Kelly Sherwood - Head Steward

Common EMAC Concerns

Concerns / Issues / Ideas from Road Staff

  • Get staff home on time

  • Partner consistency / Back Fills

  • Staffing Levels

  • Reliably approve Breaks

  • Opening FTE positions

  • End of Shift support

    • End of Shift of PRUs

  • Parking spaces at 400

  • Allowing crews to have enough time between calls to

    • Document / Clean /Restock Units

    • To process, decompress, and recover resiliency

Submit a Concern:

Edmonton Zone EMAC - AHS EMS

Follow this link to find meeting minutes

Concerns / Issues / Ideas from Management

  • Trucks signing in on time

    • Seeing up to 1800 min of lost unit availability

  • Returning units to Mega stations ready for next crew

  • Returning EMS units to Community Initiative

    • Current Average 51-56 min, Goal is still 45min

  • Currently working on SOP for Line of duty Death

  • Ensuring crews always have their Phones and Radios with them

  • Dynamic Shift Calendar