Edmonton Zone EMS Operations/Central Communications Centre Liaison Committee
Common Issues Reported:
(Please continue to report any issues you encounter, it takes a lot of paper work to turn the tides - Operations is implementing new tracking and response workflow to ensure that you get a response to your submitted concern)
Issues with Dispatch gathering safety info
Arriving and then getting a safety alert
Issues getting EPS for code 200s
Withholding Transport Truck from PRU
Issues getting requested resources (ALS/hot back up)
Clearing PRUs from events without verbal communication
Deviation from response plan due lack of resources
(PRUs to Blue/Yellow and Transfers)
Not sending the closest best resource
Patient harm due to Event Pending ( Please also submit and RLS)
Mapping Issues/Errors/Updates can be submitted via http://tablet.albertahealthservices.ca/ > Weblinks > Map Error Request
Meeting Minutes and CCC Review Forms available on this page
EDMO Representatives
Kelly Sherwood
Jordan Toth